Copywriter, Content Designer & Creative Strategist

Augmented reality signs hover above a building rendering.

Augmented Reality Fundraising App

Augmented Reality Fundraising App Overview As part of a $300M campaign to transform the University of Florida College of Engineering, I collaborated on an augmented reality app that was presented at a donor event. I wrote the book content and the microcopy for the app.  Read More Posts

A red CD with a DataCore logo sits in front of its sleeve.

Early SaaS User Assistance

For the first three years of the millenium, I worked as a technical documentation specialist for what was then an early-stage startup, DataCore Software. Our core product, SANsymphony, was an operating system for storage. Our first users were UNIX administrators who were used to managing storage by doing the best they could with what they had. They’d never done anything like what you could do with SANsymphony. No one had. So they didn’t just need step-by-step procedures, they needed conceptual introductions in order to understand what they were doing. Documentation was critical.

Product Index: Online & In Print

Product Index: Online & In Print Overview When I ran the Marketing & Communications office at Santa Fe College, I didn’t have the budget to hire a dedicated copywriter, so on evergreen marketing pieces I often wrote everything myself. Such was the case with two view books, published in 2018 and 2020. Look to either for examples of my marketing writing. More relevant to

“Be careful not to reuse passwords. If a retail site gets hacked and you signed up for it with your banking password, your finances could be at risk. If you can only remember one password – make the one you use to log into a password manager.” – Kevin Butler, Ph.D.

#CyberMonday Security Tips

#CyberMonday Security Tips Overview While working at UF’s College of Engineering, I helped promote the researchers at the Florida Institute for Cybersecurity Research. They provided the highest level of expertise to government, industry and academia in all aspects of cybersecurity and assurance – including hardware, networks, mobile, Big Data, biometrics, Internet of Things (IOT), applied cryptography, nanoscale, social sciences and law. In 2015, I

A collage of professional headshots with an orange and blue overlay.

Technology-Based News Stories

UF Engineering News Stories Overview From 2013-2017, I wrote content and copy promoting the College of Engineering at the University of Florida. I covered nine engineering departments: biomedical, chemical, civil. computer and information science, electrical, environmental, industrial and systems, mechanical and aerospace, and nuclear. Most of my work focused on faculty research, student achievements and alumni entrepreneurs. In no particular

Screen capture of the In Word And Deed open in the Apple Podcasts app.

Ethics Podcast Intro (& Strategy)

In 2021, I had the pleasure of producing In Word & Deed, a podcast featuring young, world-class ethics bowl champions discussing the nuts and bolts of civil discourse. I worked with students and faculty to organize dozens of micro lessons into six cohesive food-themed discussions. I also wrote the intro. (Fun fact, my husband wrote the music). Visually, I’m a big fan of short sentences. But in the studio they sound clipped. And so, you’re about to see a very long sentence. Please note, it is not a run-on. I would never do that. And if I did, I wouldn’t put it in my portfolio.

Baseball player smiles as he keeps multiple balls in the air.

Growth Mindset Messaging

Growth Mindset Messaging Case Study Overview The Learning Commons at Santa Fe College uses research-based methodologies to help improve persistence among students. Funded by a Title III grant supporting low income and vulnerable populations, it’s a physical space, with added virtual services, where any student can get free tutoring and academic coaching. Staff are trained to help students navigate academic

A capuchin hangs out in his habitat at the Santa Fe College Teaching Zoo. Squatting amid the limerock, its face appears to be both challenging you, and blowing you a kiss.

Anthropomorphizing Career Exploration

A series of 30-second videos featuring animals from the teaching zoo asked, “What’s your work personality?” The campaign landing page drove people to the Career Exploration Center, where advisors offer assessments and guidance.